All About Me
Malve von Hassell was born in Italy and spent part of her childhood in Belgium and Germany before moving to the United States. She is a freelance writer, researcher, and translator. She holds a Ph.D. in anthropology from the New School for Social Research. Working as an independent scholar, she published The Struggle for Eden: Community Gardens in New York City (Bergin & Garvey 2002) and Homesteading in New York City 1978-1993: The Divided Heart of Loisaida (Bergin & Garvey 1996). She has also edited her grandfather Ulrich von Hassell's memoirs written in prison in 1944, Der Kreis schließt sich - Aufzeichnungen aus der Haft 1944 (Propylaen Verlag 1994). She has taught at Queens College, Baruch College, Pace University, and Suffolk County Community College, while continuing her work as a translator and writer. She has self-published a children’s picture book, Letters from the Tooth Fairy (2020) and 2020) and her translation and annotation of a German children’s classic by Tamara Ramsay, Rennefarre: Dott’s Wonderful Travels and Adventures (Two Harbors Press, 2012). The Falconer’s Apprentice (namelos, 2015) was her first historical fiction novel for young adults. She has published Alina: A Song for the Telling (BHC Press, 2020), set in Jerusalem in the time of the crusades, and The Amber Crane (Odyssey Books, 2021), set in Germany in 1645 and 1945.
My HP Books

Cerdic, a knight and advisor to Count Stephen-Henry of Blois, is torn in his loyalties, yearning for the land of his childhood, England, while loyal to King William, the king who showed him charity, and Adela, his daughter. He yearns for his home, an estate in the county of Blois, but is unable to tear himself away from his duties to the count and his wife Adela. He is torn between two women, Adela whom he has loved for years and Giselle, whom he weds in an arranged marriage. Giselle is in love with the tall knight with the strange name; she even goes so far as to join him on the crusade. Will Cerdic learn where his true feelings lie before it is too late?